Info sheet in compliance with art. 13 of law no. 196/03
In full compliance with article 13 of law no. 196 of 30th June 2003, we hereby inform you that your personal information and data will be handled in our family electronic and/or paper archives, in strict compliance with the measures laid down by law no. 196 on the handling of personal data and information.
We hereby guarantee that all data and information will be treated as strictly confidential and handled for the following purposes:
- compiling papers on order to fulfil the obligations required by the relevant laws and especially by the Single Text on Public Safety;
- supplying you with this Stapf-Neubert family advertising literature, catalogues and price lists and keeping you fully up to date with our special promotional offers.
Supplying the above data is compulsory and is required by a specific law. Without this information, it would be impossible to establish contractual relations. In order to make sure that this information is handled correctly, we ask you to inform us immediately of any changes to said data.
You are informed that the data and information will only be transferred to The Public Safety Authority, in accordance with the obligation stated in article 109 of the Single Text on Public
Safety; your data and information will not be provided to any third parties and will be stored for the period of time envisaged by the relevant laws.