By car
- Approach via the Brenner motorway - Exit BOLZANO SOUTH - Expressway ‘MeBo’ towards Meran – Exit Merano Sud or Route from Reschenpass - Exit Merano Sud:
Follow the road to Merano and turn after about 1.5 km at the roundabout towards MERANO 2000th After exactly 2.5 km you reach a junction with the signs LABERS. Turn right over the small bridge and fallow the signs SCHLOSS LABERS enjoy the drive to Castel LABERS. - Approach from Jaufenpass or Timmelsjoch: Passage of Merano and the intersection with the signs LABERS
By train
Station: Merano
By plane
- Airport Bolzano - 25 km
- Airport Innsbruck, Österreich (Easy Jet & BA) - 140 km
- Airport Verona - 170 km
- Airport Brescia (Ryanair) - 210 km